W121552 - Early Childhood Educator

Early Childhood Educator
Wydinia Kindergarten and Occassional Day Care Centre

This placement is suitable for a VETiS student doing a Early Childhood VET Certificate.
Wydinia Kindergarten and Occasional Day Care Centre provide all day or part time care for working families and offer developmental programs within their care programs. This is an opportunity to work and learn in a warm friendly and professional Child care Centre. This centre has mentored many students and has high professional standards and would suit a student who wants to be involved in a workplace that has children from babies to preschool age.

Skills You Might Learn

This work placement will provide a pathway for work in the childcare sector, working within a team and building confidence around young children and babies.The student will observe how staff plan and implement development plans for children. The student will prepare play and learning materials and and set up the children's environment to encourage social development and behavior of the children.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Assisting qualified workers in their general tasks and helping with the play and reading programs that are organised for the different age groups. There would be time when the student would be one on one with young children helping with feeding, playing and learning.The student will develop an understanding of children's interests and development needs.

Student Requirements

The student will need to be alert, observant and active.Able to use judgement and initiative and willing to accept responsibility. The student will need to be able to lift children and equipment and relate to parents and families.

Dress Requirements

Clean neat clothes with covered in shoes, no singlet tops due to sun smart policy . Student to check with Diana as to the dress standard and requirements before commencing.

Special Transport Requirements

The Student is to make their own way too and from the placement.


  • CHC20112 - Certificate II in Community Services
  • CHC30712 - Certificate III in Children's Services
  • VIC20116 - VCAL Studies
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W121552
Location: Colac - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: The student is to arrange work day during interview with Diana. The student will need to discuss lunch options with Diana and needs to bring a drink bottle.
Added By: South West Local Learning & Employment Network


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