W135740 - Agriculture worker

Agriculture worker
Precision Shearing

A professional and motivated shearing team based out of Kerang Victoria. Servicing Kerang, Swan Hill and all surrounding districts. Our goal is local Shearers & Wool handlers working with local farmers to complete an efficient and quality job.

Skills You Might Learn

Learning the art of becoming a Shearer and a Wool Handler, while under the supervision of the team. The goal is local Shearers & Wool handlers working with local farmers to complete an efficient and quality job.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Students will be building strong relationships between our teams and our farmers which is key to in this business. Students will learn how hands on, shearing, handling livestock and handling wool along with the communication skills and understanding that often things don’t always go to plan on farm and how flexibility in this role will be a part of the Work Experience and SWL opportunity which the Precision Shearing's team value in their approach to their business.

Student Requirements

Students can attain a broad range of skills while on work placement. These may include valuable general employability skills such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, initiative, planning and organising. The students must have completed the OH&S module in WRS VM or else have begun the OH&S module in the relevant VET course

Dress Requirements

Enclosed shoes and work wear suitable for shearing sheds and farms.

Special Transport Requirements

Students to arrange their own transportation.. Travel options are available.


  • AHC20116 - Certificate II in Agriculture
  • AHC30116 - Certificate III in Agriculture
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W135740
Location: TRAGOWEL - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: The student will be required to attend as per negotiated with the employer. Students should take their own lunch. Opportunity to purchase lunch.
Added By: Murray Mallee Local Learning & Employment Network


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