W115611 - Fabricator


If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, please contact CGLLEN for specific information regarding student placement- swl@cgllen.org.au or 5352 3266. AF Gason Pty Ltd is a long standing, rural manufacturing business situated in Ararat. They are a proud family run business with 71 years experience in the industry, experts in producing farming machinery, wood fired heaters and sub-contract engineering services. Gason value community spirit and would like to provide opportunities to local students and assist their progression towards meeting their career goals. This placement will allow students to engage within numerous roles which may include the areas of office administration, welding and fabrication, sales and marketing, quality assurance, supply and purchasing and information technology departments. If you have effective communication skills and you are enthusiastic about manufacturing trades, please talk to your careers teacher today about how to apply. Please indicate to your teacher, which department you would be interested in completing a placement.

Skills You Might Learn

Skills attained will include the following;
- Introduction to, and base level understanding of, the production industry.
- Experience operating associated machinery (welding, laser operation).
- Experience with fabrication processes.
- Introduction to time management and team work.
- Machine maintenance and required safety standards.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Students are permitted to learn how to use plant or equipment only if they are explicitly required in the performance criteria or assessment requirements of a unit of competency the student is undertaking as part of a VET qualification.
Students may assist or observe trained staff with the following activities:
- Introduction to welding, sheet metal, laser cutting and steel preparation.
- Sorting laser cut parts.
- Assisting fabrication staff to ensure they have all of the required parts.
- Assisting Gason staff with related activities throughout departments.
- Completing all cleaning, preparation and packing away tasks as assigned by trained Gason staff.

Student Requirements

Students are encouraged to consider a SWL placement to develop skills learned from their VET course in Manufacturing, Engineering, ITC and/or Business Services.
The following requirements must be met;
- Students must have completed the Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) module in the relevant VET course.
- Students will need to be prepared to work in a large workshop setting, be ready to learn and show enthusiasm and a passion for the welding and metal work trades.
- Students must be completing a related subject or have displayed an interest in manufacturing and engineering.
- Student must be willing to spend periods of time observing and to undertake necessary tasks as requested.
- Dress appropriately.
- Maintain interest and participate in tasks and work duties.
- Be well mannered and behave in a respectful and responsible manner.
- Be punctual and notify the workplace supervisor and careers teacher of any planned or unplanned absence from placement. Please discuss extension of placement dates if there are nominal hours to be completed as part of the VET course.
- Follow management instructions.
- Have good communication skills.
- Act in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) requirements.
- Work within a team environment and share tasks and duties.
- Listen and take advice from fellow workers.
- Respect other people’s belongings.
- Keep a note pad and pen handy to take notes for their own reference.
- Demonstrate the skills they have developed through their course.
- Take their Workplace Learning Record and/or course assessment tasks to the work placement every day.

Dress Requirements

Please discuss with the employer at the preplacement interview. Protective, industrial clothing including safety boots will be required. All Personal protective equipment must be worn in accordance to workplace health and safety policy and procedure.

Special Transport Requirements

The student or the parent/guardian (where the student is under 18 years of age) is responsible for the student’s transport to and from the workplace. If it is proposed that the student may need to undertake vehicle travel with their employer and/or supervisor during the arrangement (including transporting the student to and/or from the workplace), the employer must complete the Structured Workplace Learning Travel and Accommodation Form. The student or the parent/guardian (where the student is under 18 years of age) must give their consent by also completing this form. If transport is presenting a problem, please contact CGLLEN to discuss available options and support that can be provided. Email: SWL@cgllen.org.au Phone: 03 5352 3266.


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  • BSB20115 - Certificate II in Business
  • BSB20120 - Certificate II in Workplace Skills
  • BSB30115 - Certificate III in Business
  • BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business
  • ICT20115 - Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology
  • ICT20120 - Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies
  • ICT30118 - Certificate III in Information, Digital Media & Technology
  • ICT30120 - Certificate III in Information, Digital Media & Technology
  • MEM20105 - Certificate II in Engineering
  • MEM20205 - Certificate II in Engineering(Production Tech)
  • MEM20219 - Certificate II in Engineering - Production Technology
  • MEM20413 - Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
  • MEM30305 - Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W115611
Location: Ararat - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: To be negotiated with Teacher, Student and Employer- Forms required before commencement are Ministerial Order 1412 - Structured Workplace Learning Arrangements; Structured Workplace Learning Arrangement Form; and Structured Workplace Learning Guidelines for Employers. Please note, the studio is in operation after school hours. One day per week for 10 weeks; available Monday - Friday (to be discussed between student and host); standard work day 7.30am - 4.18pm
Added By: Central Grampians Local Learning & Employment Network


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